
Monday, October 31, 2011


Out of the 30 people who completed me questionairre, 23 are Male and the other 7, Female.

The above is the age groups of everyone who has taken my horror questionairre, the majority of the people fall into the 16-17 age group so I must consider this when looking over the other answers.

On a scale of 1-5 of what scares most, 5 being the scariest, these are the results.

The 30 people where given options of what there favourite type of horror was, the favourite amongst the four with 11 is Action Horror

I also found out that 17 of the 30 people when asked 'What is the scariest thing in the world?' said, Spiders. Other results were ghosts and the undead, heights and darkness. I can include some of which in my main horror introduction to help add effect.

Other results showed the mystery of a horror was what the majority of the 30 thought was most effective when asked what makes a good horror film.

When asked what makes a horror film poor, an answer I received alot of was 'No major plot'.

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