
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Meet the cast - Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Now our group has the script in order we have started preparing for the casting period of the process. We have discussed our best attributes and who would suit which role best and decided to use are ready available in our two A-level drama students to do the acting. We have assigned them roles within the task already and they have lines to prepare for - Below are pictures of the two members of the cast -

(Above) Tim is a really confident and well spoken actor who isn't afraid of the camera. He relishes the chance to act in front of audiences or on camera and I believe is the perfect man for the job.

(Above) Greg is a good friend of Tim and has similar experience in Drama from GCSE Drama, he is also taking A Level Drama and has a wide range of acting skills making him well suited for any script.

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