
Friday, September 16, 2011

Production in 3 steps - Wednesday, 14 September 2011

In today's lesson Mr Henton explained to us in detail the 3 main steps of production for any type of video, film and T.V, they are the following -

Pre-production - The first of the 3 and it involves planning the concept of any idea you have in mind, then script writing and story boarding. This also consists of finding suitable locations, but only once a correct case has been selected,

Production - This is the second and the biggest step, it is the actually production of the media concept and involves all the filming of all plans.

Post-production - This is the final section of the 3 and it basically consists of stringing all the filmed clips together and making it all look professional with editing software, also adding any extra effects to help increase effectiveness.

Me and Tim have also been discussing ideas and planning thoughts out in order for us to be prepared to script write next lesson in preparation for our Preliminary task.

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