
Thursday, January 05, 2012

Group Meeting

Today the group came together for the first time in the New Year, after 3 weeks apart during the festive period. We felt it would be a good idea to come together as a group simply to re-fresh our minds on were we are up to with the production and go over our previous thoughts and plans for the production. We discussed the work we had each got unto over the Christmas holiday's and gave ideas on how to improve each others work.


We also created a basic list of different tasks that needed to be completed before the deadline, we discussed the different props and costumes that we need to purchase, new shots we wish to include and new soundtrack ideas etc.


Now that we have completed this meeting as a group we all feel that we are in a more able situation in terms of continuing to progress. We will continue to carry on posting our plans and work in the run up to deadline day. We will now look to get in contact with the manager of the theatre as she instructed us to last month.

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