
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Practising Focus Pulls

Today I spent a few hours with fellow student Jose going over the art of a focus pull. This is a skill I have learnt in the past from professional photographers, but I felt it would be of benefit to go over this skill and try and perfect my technique. My plan is to use a focus pull to switch the attention of the audience during a specific shot we plan to use in our production. I feel this is the best way to subtly pull the focus onto the other character, quite literally. Jose and I feel that now we both have a real feel for the camera we will actually be using to film the footage for Breaking the 4TH Wall that we are a lot more prepared than we would have been otherwise. I also practiced my rule of 3rd's once again by taking normal photos to help get used to the Manual Focus option the camera offers. I have put the footage we got into a video and upload to Youtube. I used Windows Movie Maker to produce this video and downloaded the Music off iTunes.
Below are a few clips of how we got on during our practice.

I feel now I have gone back over the art of focus pulling that I am very prepared to go and put it into practice during the time our group has at the theatre and feel that it will give the right effect off into our final product. We feel this is time well spent because now we have really got to grips and not only gone back over the technique but improved our technique which is always a bonus. Next up is filming, we will begin filming in 3 days time and will keep our blogs updated accordingly.

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