
Friday, January 20, 2012

Ordering Outfits

Today the group has been hard at work making final decisions on what outfits we wish to order. We have come up with a number of different twists on the original plans for costumes but have opted to go with the original plans as shown below. We feel going with our original plans will mean that we know the effect we will get from our outfits and it will fit in to everything we have planned and researched up until this point.

Firstly is the main character, we wanted to go for someone who is a figure of importance and has a roguish, demonic look about them. For this reason we wish to use a suit. I went out and brought a suit as I will now have to act this role due to other commitments from the 1st choice actor.

(Above) Me styling the new suit that I will be using during our production.

Secondly, the secondary character. With this character we wanted to go against the normal conventions you see in a horror, but still keep it linked. For this reason, instead of your normal black robes (grim reaper style) we have opted to go for monks robes. We took inspiration for this look from Scary Movie as we will also be wearing a slightly different mask with the slightly different robes. This robe has been ordered just earlier and we will be expecting it to arrive during the next working day.

(Above) The robes our killer will be wearing.

A final piece of outfit that our secondary character will be wearing will be the mask. The mask was ordered in preparation many months back and has been kept safe by Jose (members of production team). The mask is a twist on Scary Movie's killer and we feel is a great bit of symbolization on the conspired Illuminati. We feel the mask nails the cliches that people associate with the Illuminati and feel it gives a mysterious look and presence to the character.

(Above) The Killers Identity.

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