
Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Filming Footage #1

Today we began collecting footage for our final product, the opening to a teen horror film. Myself, Jose, Jordan and Pav gathered our props and equipment yesterday in preparation for the big day. On the eve of filming I put all our equipment into one big bag that we carried up to the theatre. Amongst the equipment was our camera (Lumix G10K), the laptop to transfer and back up footage immediately and a tri-pod etc.

On our way up we had to arrange to meet Bruno who would be acting the main character in our production, we met Bruno and continued to make our way up to the theatre in a strangely dressed fashion as shown below -

Looking suspiciously like we had been let out on day release we arrived at the theatre raring to go and get our footage, as soon as we got backstage we staged our set and got to work filming. We found a number of difficulties that we would have to overcome such as the alarming number of mirrors that we'd failed to take into perspective during our location planning. However we found different spots throughout the room in which we could film in. We took with us a shot-list to use and guide us through our time at the theatre. 

Leaving the theatre we feel that our trip there was a success up until a point, we know now that there are certain thing's we could have done differently however we feel we have a good start to the creation of our production. We will now look to conduct a basic edit of the footage we collected to get a feel of what we need to improve. Once we have found where the improvements need to be made we will the enquire to the theatre about another time slot in which we can repeat tonight's performance to a higher standard.

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