
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Editing Footage #3

Now that the Breaking The 4th Wall Production Team had collected it's third 'batch' as it were off footage it is now time to put together a 3rd rough edit in order to see what footage we have at hand for the future edits. As per usual, I took all off the footage of the camera's SD card and transferred it firstly to my PC and then onto my Memory Stick in order to let me transport it freely around different computers throughout the school. We spent a good 45-60 minutes going over the footage before we then started to make a product out of it, we had to take into account a number of different things. For example we wanted to pick the shots that would give the production the most authentic and professional look and feel, we need to footage to flow and for the storyline of the production to be very much apparent in order to target the higher mark bands for our piece.

We spent a good hour of so putting the selected pieces of footage into Windows Movie Maker in order to create a basic feel of what we have produced for ourselves to try and progress from. We chose to use Windows Movie Maker as we feel it is the most time efficient and simple method of editing for this type of edit. We weren't looking to try and give the edit flashing lights, glimmering effects and Hollywood feel so that is why we decided against going for an editing software such as Final Cut Express this early on in the production stage. Once we had put together the footage we then reviewed what we had with a basic soundtrack being overplayed in accordance to the footage. This gave us an even greater feel for where we had to improve within the production and editing that could potentially be done to improve the feel for shots.

After partaking within this editing we feel as a production team we now have a more advanced depth of knowledge of our own production and can now really start to witness the production forming as a whole. We can see from reviewing this footage that we our where we need to be and that we have sufficient footage to move into the full editing stage of this production. Knowing this we will now discuss as a group where to go into the editing stage and assign certain job roles for the editing process. As a group, earlier on in this year we all agreed that it would be most beneficial if we were to give Jordan a leading role when it comes to editing. We think the group can benefit from taking great reliability upon Jordan's natural talent and expertise within the film industry and the editing stage of any production. The group as a whole feels more confident in going forward after this reviewing session today and we feel as a result of this the production will be of a greater standard due to the high level of understanding throughout the production team.

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