
Friday, February 10, 2012

Editing Footage #2

After a long night of filming our new look footage, I felt it would be a good idea to again use Windows Movie Maker and order and trim the footage into a respectable condition. I spent a good few hours sifting through the hours of footage and picking out the correct footage for our production. I also thought now we have a clearer understanding and a close copy to our aim in the final production that it would be a good idea to input a soundtrack, this would only be to help set the atmosphere. Going back to Jordan and myself's Soundtrack research I found a track from a newly famous score producer called  'Vitaliy Zavadskyy' who is 'a aspiring Composer, with over 100k of views on the majority of his videos he is quite definitely a great talent in the uprising, he works across a wide range of genre with work as good as hollywood standards.' 

I stuck the raw clips along with the edited version I produced onto my memory stick and presented it to the group the following day. We again noticed a few errors with people in mirrors in the back of shots and a continuity error or two. We feel now it is just a matter of perfecting these shots rather than anything else. We now have the clearest idea yet as to what we need and how it needs to be pulled off. This edited version I put together will give Jordan, who is the Head of Editing and Special FX for the group, a clearer idea of which direction to head in which the editing.
A new additional shot we which to add
The Plan: We must now once again get back in contact with Lucy Hatfield in order to secure one final time slot in which we can go in a film our final bits of footage, from then on I will again create a basic edit to give Jordan and idea of what he has to work from. We will then work as a team to make decisions on what we wish Jordan to create in terms of After Effects and Special FX's. We look forward to doing our final bits of filming and are very confident moving forward. We feel we learnt a lot more in terms of what we are looking at our final product coming out like and feel content and pleased with our work so far.
For now, I leave you with this image.

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