
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Beta Editing - Production Team Review

Today, 3 days on from completing our very first full edit of Breaking The 4th Wall we are ready to begin to fully review what we produced. After having time to digest the edit and form our own thoughts and opinions upon the piece of media we have come armed with notes on what we feel is good and what we feel needs to be improved next time we come to edit a full version of Breaking The 4th Wall in a few days time. We took ourselves down to the usual Breaking The 4th Wall board-room in search of a safe haven to discuss ideas without disruption. We sat ourselves down and let the ideas flow. Below is some of the key points that we discussed during the meeting -

First of all, we felt that this edit didn't really help to capture the actual concept of the storyline and we feel it would be a bit vague to an outsider as to what the production and this opening scene is actually about. Earlier on during the course we planned to input a speech from a political leader, Obama was the leader we planned to use. However having gone over the idea of our production and the storyline of exposing the secret services, illuminati/freemasonry type groups, we feel that having the JFK assassination clip within our productions opening scene would help to give identity to the actual production and help towards greater effect.

Secondly we have also decide to actually cut some clips down as we feel that a few of them are ruined by some of the movement in the clips, by this I am talking about the clips shown in the video below around 1:35-1:43. These shots we feel could be cut off before the movement is shown in order to have snappier and sharper cuts of higher quality footage to build tension to the actual murder shots shown just seconds later. We feel by doing this it will help lead to a better effect and create a more tense atmosphere around our production which is exactly the effect the production team are aiming towards achieving.

To conclude I believe that as a group we have come up with a number of great ideas which can take the group forward in the production of Breaking The 4th Wall. We all now have an even more in-depth and clear understanding of where we want to go next during editing and can all begin to form such an in-depth idea of what the final product will turn out like. This allows us to be confident going forward that we are doing all the correct things to bring success to the group and all achieve the high grades we desire and quite simply deserve after the hard work and effort we have put into every single stage of this production. We all feel the this meeting has benefited us and given us a rock solid plan of what to do in order to improve future edits. We will now move onto the next edit as I said in a few days time and we look forward to seeing how that goes. 

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