
Saturday, February 04, 2012

Editing Footage #1

Today I put the footage onto my memory stick and came armed into school with it. I shared the footage to my peers and we discussed a number of errors we had made during our time filming. We also discussed a number of things we could change or even add to give our production a more professional and realistic effect. We can take on board all of our different ideas and thoughts and produce a brand new shot list so that we can ensure we get everything we wish to get during our next time slot which is yet to be confirmed.

 In order to give them a real feel of the production as things stands I had edited the footage into order and cut them so they fitted the plot slightly better. I used Windows Movie Maker on my home computer because it allowed me to use the basic functions very quickly and efficiently and offered me a Upload to Youtube feature which I found very time and effort efficient for myself. Below is what we came away with after our first attempt of filming at The Lighthouse Theatre.

We feel we have learnt a lot from filming last night and have also found that errors can very easily be made during filming. An important lesson we have learnt is that things don't always look the same on screen as they do in person and that the slightest error such as leaving a door open in the shot below can ruin the atmosphere and effect you spend hours trying to perfect. Now we have done this we feel that we are extremely prepared to go and film again and get what we need, we feel 1 or 2 more sessions at the theatre will be a sufficient amount of time to perfect our production as best as we possibly can.

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