
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Beta Editing

Today the group has taken great strides in the correct direction, we have done this by completing our very first full edit of Breaking The 4th Wall. We took many hours out of our day to plan and fully edit this piece of media, we had to take into consideration a huge number of different things in order to try and target the highest mark bands within this production. It was most certainly not a matter of just logging onto the computer, pulling our footage in, and just cutting it to look suitable. We had to take into mind things such as continuity, this is because a lot of our footage was filmed on separate occasions so there is a big chance that somewhere amongst our production we may have included some continuity errors but it was our job to try and eliminate any sign of this. We also had to try and make the soundtrack/score suit the actual footage itself, in order to have the score working to its optimum effect we needed to try and make the beats create tension by simulating it to the camera shots and speeding up the cuts as the beats increase to try and create more tension and race the heartbeat of the audience.

Above is a picture of just some of the footage we have to choose from!

Taking all of that into account we began to edit, Jordan taking a lead role immediately put his creativity into practice and began inputting the shots he felt would benefit the groups marks when the piece was assessed. One shot that I picked out as a piece of creative genius from Jordan himself was one shown in the Video of this piece of media that we put together below - the shot I'm talking about is that at 0:03 seconds, that shot was originally taken from below of the lights at the theatre corridor by Jordan himself. With the image of what he wanted from this shot in mind Jordan instantly rotated the shot 180 degrees in order to get a very strange but effective shot that he has created. Another shot that Jordan himself filmed and picked out that no one else within the group selected was that of 0:24 seconds, the shot is very much out of focus but yet it works. Jordan selected it knowing that it works when all of us doubted, but we can all see for ourselves the distorted, blurred, unknowing effect it can have on the audience. However there are a number of shots that we all feel need to be improved, we feel during the second of the two minutes in the video below the shots become very poorly edited and put together and this is something we wish to take out during the second edit that we plan to hold during next week.

However, we still feel that this editing session has really set our creative minds alight and we all feel that from this we can take great knowledge, experience and ideas in order to ensure that the next edit we partake upon can become even better and then the next one, even better, until we reach a point in which we feel we are hitting the top marks for our production. We have all benefited greatly from the and all feel ready to try and improve on what we have created and take things forward in The Breaking The 4th Wall Production.

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