
Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Filming Footage #2

It's that time of week again, we have successfully gained access all area's at The Lighthouse Theatre once again and eager as ever we set off early to make the long walk through the snow and rainy conditions. We once more met Bruno on our walk to the theatre, once we arrived we were quick get set up and get going. Armed with our freshly printed, new and improved shot list we got to work.

Pav and Jose looking rather dashing. IN HD!
We began in logical fashion by going down the shot list, getting each shot one by one, when we filled up the SD Cards, we would make quick switch to our second card, and continue filming whilst I transferred the footage onto my laptop to not only free the memory space up for re-use, but to backup the footage onto my laptop and memory sticks. Whilst I was away transferring and backing up footage Jordan felt it would be beneficial to collect a number of different shots that we hadn't listed on the shot list. He filmed several different shots, some of which we're all really impressed with and feel have real potential to be added into the shot list for editing.

One of the new shots we have added to the production.
We feel we have really done our production justice today and feel we have collected footage that puts last weeks footage to shame. However we have noticed again a few errors we have made and have also come up with a few fresh ideas to add to the other ones that we failed to collect due to time constraints. Taking this into account we will get in contact with Lucy Hatfield (Theatre Manager) about one final time slot in which we can perfect our production, until then, I leave you with this image.

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