
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Post-Production Meeting

Today; The Breaking The 4th Wall Production Team met together once more in order to discuss future plans and ideas for the next step in the production. This is nothing unusual, our Production Team has taken great care and taken ever pro-caution required in order to ensure that everyone within the group has a clear understanding and idea about where the group and the production as a whole is heading in future. The plans of the production is something that is crucial to have everyone understand as this is very much a group effort. So it was for this reason that we decided it would be beneficial to everyone if we were to meet as a group.

So we took ourselves back down to the usual Breaking The 4th Wall Board-Room as it where and sat ourselves around a table with a number of different notes that each of us had put together. We began to share ideas and notes that we had brought along to the meeting with us and began to form an idea of what the production team wanted for the Production to include during the Editing phase. We formed a number of conclusions and make some huge decisions on the editing sector which will enable us to all have a clear idea of the future of Breaking The 4th Wall. With this decisions being made it will now let everyone within the group focus on getting the editing done and moving forward towards the finished product of Breaking The 4th Wall.

To conclude, each and everyone of the Production Team Members believe that this Post-Filming Meeting was extremely beneficial. We believe this for a number of reasons, some of which I have gone over above. Firstly, it now gives us (The Production Team) a clear image of where we want to be, and how to get there through this editing phase. From looking at the mark bands for editing we now know as a group exactly what is required of us if we are to reach the very best mark bands through this production. We have also been able to make an executive decision in allowing Jordan to take a lead role during the editing stage with Myself, Jose and Pav taking more of a back-role during editing but still offering considerable amounts of assistance towards Jordan.

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