
Friday, March 09, 2012

Final Changes

Today me and the rest of The Breaking The Fourth Wall production team sat ourselves around a computer in the media suite here at KBA and decided it would be beneficial to go back over the most recent effort at an edit for our production. Having watched over the production several times and mentally noting down different parts of the production and the edit that we all felt could be improved upon we then decided to create a task list of different shots, edits and effects that we still felt could be included in order to improve the overall effect of our production.

The main part of our production that we felt could be improved upon was the shot shown in the screenshot below, we believed that this could improved because of a number of reasons. Firstly we felt that it lacked the same type of visual quality that the rest of the production brang with itself. Secondly we felt that the lighting in the shot was very poor and it made it very difficult to withold the effect that we were targetting as a group from the moment we set the ball rolling back in September. Our third and final justification in deciding to take away this shot was that because we felt that a POV shot was not the type of shot we felt would create the most tension in our production, we felt the need to keep switching between shots that were close up on our character and long shots of the character making his way to the stage. For these reasons we decided to withdraw this shot from our production and instead of replacing it, we have decided to edit it differently to suit this withdrawal.

As a group we feel that we have benefitted hugely from being able to have the luxury of this meeting, this is because we have kept to sharp deadlines in order to give us this free time at the end of the year. This meeting has allowed us as a group to improve our production hugely in the fact that we now feel we can create a better level of tension and improve the suspense that our production is trying to create. We all feel that now we have done this we can look towards the final step towards completing this production and start burning the production onto the disc.

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