
Saturday, March 03, 2012

Beta Editing #2 - Production Team Review

3 days on from completing the second full edit of our production, Breaking The 4th Wall, myself and the rest of the production team decided we would go over the edit. Having time to take in and re-watch the edit we had created we were now better prepared than ever to discuss and review the pro's and con's of this edit in comparison to what our image of a final product was at the beginning of the production. We took ourselves the usual boardroom in order to sit down, around a table, paper and pen in hand and let the discussion begin. We all contributed and came up with a number ideas that we feel can be taken into consideration during the THIRD edit of Breaking The 4th Wall, below are some of the idea's we discussed - 

The first point that we discussed that we felt could be changed was that off the opening JFK footage, we felt that we could shorten this down in order to try and input more of our own recorded footage into the production. We felt that including as much footage as we did wasn't really needed at times and really didn't help to build the tension in the intended way. However we felt including this JFK scene was very important as is hugely allows us to set the scene and the story of what the actual production is about. 

Another key point that kept popping up during this reviewing session was that off the POV shot that was included in the previous edit linked at the bottom of the post was that we felt that the shot was very blurry and didn't really help to keep up with the high quality of the rest of the production. The reason for the poor quality was that the lighting within the shot was very poor, this mixed with the factor of the quick movement added to the poor quality of the shot, this is something that couldn't be noticed at the time of filming, however identifying this now will help us improve the overall quality of the production.

To wrap things up for this post, the group feel that coming together in this manner for a second time was once again beneficial for everyone within the production team and will help us all to improve the production and target a higher mark band for the entire production.This allows us to be confident going forward that we are doing all the correct things to bring success to the group and all achieve the high grades we desire and quite simply deserve after the hard work and effort we have put into every single stage of this production. We all feel the this meeting has benefited us and given us a rock solid plan of what to do in order to improve future edits. We will now move onto the next edit as I said in a few days time and we look forward to seeing how that goes. 

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