
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Evaluation 3

What Kind Of Media Institution Might Distribute Your Media Product And Why?

Having spent a good amount of time surfing the internet, comparing a wide range of potential institution's that we feel would be interested in distributing our small media production we have come to a conclusion. We decided that a company such as Maxim Media would be very interested in our type of production as they pride themselves on 'distributing a large range of independent horror and shock films to a potentially worldwide audience'.

The fact that they specialize in distributing only independent films played a key role for us in making our decision to select Maxim Media as a preffered institution to distribute our film. What this means is instead of distributing large, big budget blockbusters such as The Hills Have Eyes or Saw for example, they will specialize on low budget films that our without any real backing in the media aspects, advertisement or even financial backing. This is perfect for us as our media production was an extremely minimal budget piece of media that was without any backing of any sort from anyone! This means that Maxim Media are the type of company we would approach if we wished to find distribution from a company, we would choose them for that reason alone.

However that isn't the only reason we may have for selecting Maxim Media, the fact that they also specialize in a wide range of horror AND SHOCK films is another key point that should not be ignored. In terms of horror, our film doesn't really include a wide range of blood, guts and gore, however, it is more of an investigative shock/horror, in the fact it keeps the audience guessing and trying to figure out what might happen next. Because of this I believe that a institution that specializes in a wide range of horror movies will be better suited to a production such as ours because we have tried to become innovative with our ideas and our production, we have tried to create something that is new and fresh. It's for this reason why we believe Maxim Media would once more be suited to our production of, Breaking The Fourth Wall.

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