
Monday, March 12, 2012

Final Editing

Breaking The 4th Wall production team would meet in the media suite for what would appear to be the final time we would edit together as a group. Having gone over what we felt could be improved and what we felt needed tweaking and also, what we felt should be kept the same, it was a simple matter of going in there, armed with our notes from the previous review of the previous edit and doing the task in hand. We sat ourselves down at the iMac, opened up Final Cut and set to work on our edit, Jordan, once more lead the way with confidence and ideas flowing from the rest of the production team.

The main task on our hands was inputting our score and then adjusting certain shots and clips to fit with the beat and flow of the score. This was a task that turned out to be quite difficult at times as it often meant cutting clips to suit amongst other things. However we feel after spending 1-2 hours trying to adjust this that we have come out with a product that is once again improved to what we had when went into the media suite. This on it's own is a huge bonus for us as a group as this was the main aspect of our production that was missing, the reason this was such a huge problem is because we opted to take out any dialogue and background noise form our recording, this means that without a score our production is without practically any noise and is left motionless and the atmosphere as good as ruined. 

To conclude on this short editing post, we feel that including this score has helped us to try an achieve a more authentic and professional outcome of a product. We also feel with this score being put into the picture that we have helped ourselves to try and create a more horror-type-genre opening that will create a better level of tension and also help to grip the audience with the change in shots and cuts according to the beat of the music. All in all we feel pleased that this score has been input because ultimately we believe it will help to push the production into the higher mark bands and be more realistic in comparison to the image we had in mind during the start of our production.

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