
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Main Task Risk Assessment

I have spent the last couple of hours completing an in-depth Risk Assessment. This is for all of our production that will take place on an unspecified as of yet date in January. This document will help us to ensure and maintain that all of our production remains safe and danger free. I had to consider a number of different aspects when completing this Risk Assessment, things such as occurrence probality, how severe the risk is, this amongst a number of different aspects.

Below is what I produced this evening:

Click The Image To View It Larger

I feel that producing the Risk Assessment has put the group, including the cast at rest and makes the whole production that little bit safer. It means that we don't have to have any worries about the health and safety of the crew when filming at the theatre which will make the whole production run just that little bit more smoothly. Overall we feel we are growing increasingly closer to reaching a point where we are ready to film, we have one final task to complete before we will be able to move onto filming. Last but not least is a filming schedule, we are unable to do this as we don't have a specified date for filming until earlier January.

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