
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Secondary Character Casting Discussion

The last week of term before the Xmas interval is looking to be a busy one for our production team, the show must go on and today was no exception. We immediately got to work and settled down into the usually discussion destination to discuss Casting idea's for the Secondary Character in Breaking The 4th Wall. This is the actor who is part of the Illuminati, he is at the theatre to stop the Main Character from going ahead with exposing what The Illuminati do, and who they are. This is the man who will help set the horror genre for the opening, without his acting, the whole thing becomes very boring and doesn't really fit into the concept of a horror.

We decided we wished to carry out the Casting process for this character in a similar manner to that of the main character. We took pen to the board, and began contributing ideas as to what this actor would need to have, attributes, looks, props etc. Once we discussed idea's that we threw about, we brainstormed the very best and most important on the board. Below is what we managed to come up with:

Me and fellow group member Pav brainstorming our ideas is iconic fashion of late. We go about things in a similar fashion as we find it brings good order and structure to our location and planning. For this brainstorm we knew it would only be small so we took to a smaller whiteboard. We branched off the title 'Illuminati', as this is the character we wish to cast for. We began discussing what is important for the character to have and how each attribute gives a positive effect to the performance, we also consider the difficulties of getting each attribute within a person. Finally we discussed suitable candidates for the role, and came to a few conclusions. Branched of this title were a number of different attributes as shown below:
Above is each attribute we feel it would be ideal for our cast member for this role to with-hold. We have reasons for each of them. They must be able to be serious to help set the scene and separate the piece of media from comedy, to horror. This is a key factor in the production of this opening. Another aspect we wish for the candidate to have appearance wise is a big build and of a tall appearance, this is important as the bigger they look, the more important they will look, it will also make the audience fearful of them. A third attribute is acting ability, we feel this is important, however not completely demanded as we think it's more important for them to be serious. However acting ability will be a bonus to the production as it will look more natural and give off a more authentic look towards the audience. Finally we want our actor to be willing to perform when called upon and most definitely very flexible as we may only have on opportunity to get all the footage we require.
In similar fashion to that of the previous casting discussion I took it upon myself to create a script for a second Casting Podcast. We think this is important as we can look back at the voice recording and get a better idea of what it is we really need to look for. This was recorded of Joseph's phone, he then sent me this over Skype. I uploaded this straight onto SoundCloud and sent each member of the group the embed code for this for them to stick straight onto their blog.

Casting Discussion 12/12/11 by JackWhiteAS

Despite the absence of Jordan due to having other subjects to attend we feel we have been able to move forward in the production stage. We also feel that our planning and research has come on leaps and bounds over recent weeks, we can now start to tell that our production is starting to all fit together nicely. By completing this discussion we put ourself in a better position, with a better idea of the type of actor we wish to vacate this role to. We feel this is important as is means we get the correct man for the job, rather than just any old person. We have informed Jordan about all the on-goings he missed in his brief spell without the group earlier today, he is upto date and now has a clearer understanding than ever as to what we are looking for. We have decided upon to candidates and we will look into getting them interviewed over the next day or two, these interviews will be posted on my blog.

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