
Monday, December 19, 2011

Breaking The 4th Wall - Updated Task Sheet

Now that we have completed the task list we were set during November, we must continue to make good progress towards creating the best production possible. I have gone over all the different aspects that a good film opening should consist of. I have from this, devised my own ticklist of different aspects I wish to cover between now and our propose filming date towards Mid-January.
  • Mise-en-scène - The Mise en scène section of my planning and research should include all the different costumes, outfits and accessories to match that I wish to use. It should also include any props that will feature, or take a part in the production of the opening. As a group we have included aspects of this into each discussion and have been considering it as we have move swiftly to this stage. We have come up with a number of ideas, mostly brought upon ourselves in our Main Task Discussion. We have all come to an agreement as to what Mise en scène we wish to include into our production and this will be posted in posts above.
  • Title Research - As a group we came together and decided that the best way to get the best results within the editing, effects and titles area of the production was to hand the responsibility over to Jordan. Jordan has previous experience and a large expanse of knowledge within this region and we feel that he is are best bet to getting the production looking professional and clean cut. He has come up with the thought of using a number of different programs and websites to contribute towards his success. He has downloaded Adobe After Effects and is using a specialized site with special effect plug-ins that come with tutorials. We have had spoke as a group and know what type of effect we wish to target but have but no boundaries, we feel Jordan will work best to his own devices. We are all very eager to see what he returns to us with.
  • Camera Angles Research -
  • Editing Research -
  • Voice-over - The Voice-Over plays a huge part in the success of our production, it will help enhance the quality of a speech rather than have it recorded live. It will also help the audience feel as if they know the character better and they can hear his thoughts. We have came up with our speech, we did this when producing the script for our production. As a group we decided that we wanted the voice of our character to sound like the type of look we targeted. That being a roguish, older man with a rough, controversial edge as Jordan put it.I have purchased an Olympus Voice Recorder in order to enhance the sound quality on our voice-over, we will be using audacity to change the pitch of the voice over and too add the soundtrack to it.
  • Soundtrack - The soundtrack is what we see as the spine of our production. Without a Soundtrack our production is merely pieces of footage thrown together in a specific order. However, with audio we feel it can allow the production to give off an atmospheric and more professional, authentic and scary effect. We want a soundtrack that gives a mysterious feel, something that helps to build tension and nervousness within the audience. With want the beats of the soundtrack to match the swaps between shots, this will mean that the heavier beats will appear when the shots become quicker which will help make the audience tenser and make nerves rise. We want the Soundtrack to climax as the curtains are drawn, this will let the audience know the importance of this performance the character is about to give, the soundtrack will show how it all comes down to this performance. 
We have set ourselves an initial deadline of completion for this work as, January 10th. This gives us all over Christmas to get researching and then a week together in school. We will use Google+ to host 4-way video calls between one an other. This will help us discuss idea's and continue to make good progress towards success over the festive period. We feel with these additional task's we have set ourselves, that we will be able to put ourselves in the correct position to an easy filming life and editing. We feel this because our knowledge on things such as Titles, Editing and Camera Angles will be greater, thus meaning we can crack on with the production easier and will be able to pull the whole production of to a greater standard. Finally we will be able to get a greater feel for what our production will look like with the preliminary Soundtrack and Voiceover we intend to produce, we will add these's pieces of media over the Animatic I produced earlier this month.

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