
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Soundtrack Composer

Jordan has been working hard to try and complete a deal which would see up and coming Youtube sensation Charlie Spring feature within The Breaking the 4th Wall production. Charlie has agreed to compose an official soundtrack for our 2 minute production free of charge and given all rights to the BT4W production team. Charlie has been given his own version of the script and has been given a basic idea of how we want our production to turn out, the effects we wish to achieve and the ways in which we are going to achieve this. We will keep Charlie updated on our progress throughout the course of the Pre-production, Production and Post-Production stages so that he can continue to develop prototypes and ideas for the production.

Charlie has proved he has talent in the past by producing his own versions of famous soundtracks such as that of The Dark Knight Rises. We look forward to working with Charlie and know he won't let us down in the creation of the Soundtrack. He is a valuable assest to the team as he brings a good previous experience and expanse of knowledge within the media industury and will know just the effect we want to pull off. It is important that we manage to nail the soundtrack as it will help us give of an authentic and scary effect. We believe that without a suitable and professional soundtrack we will come out with poor, flimsy and unprofessional production as a whole.

Below I have attached Charlie's most viewed Soundtrack on his Youtube Channel - 

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