
Monday, December 05, 2011

Samsung Flash-Cam - Time Lapse Practice

Today Mr Henton introduced our group to the brand new Samsung Flash-cam, the best Camcorder available to us in the school. It comes equip with internal memory, HD recording and most importantly to us, The Time Lapse Feature. We were given the camera inside an un-opened fresh box and told to go and have a play around with the Camera and see what we could figure out. As Jordan has two non-contact periods he volunteered to give the task a shot and by the time we had arrived back to his location he had completely cracked how to use the camera and had already recorded a short time lapse over the course of 1 hour.

Samsung Flashcam
The Time Lapse lasted for 3 seconds but took close to an hour to record, knowing this throws a dilemma into our initial plans as The Lighthouse Theatre, the original location we wished to shoot The Time Lapse in isn't the biggest of arena's. This means that it won't take any more than 20 minutes to fill up for the show, thus meaning we will only have 1-2 seconds of footage to come out with. We have decided to investigate if they have any up and coming sell out shows that we can try and record our time lapse at. I have contacted my friend who is part of the sales team at The Lighthouse Theatre to find this information out. If there are we will try and record a time lapse in advance at this venue as it will give us a more realistic sell out effect in our final product, if not then we will have to re-think our time lapse. We came up with the alternative idea of recording outside of the actual Theatre area and in the pre-show lounge area where the show builds up for a good hour before the house lights come up, this would provide us with a reasonable amount of footage but may not give the same effect as the in theatre shot would. Once we get feedback from my friend from The Lighthouse Theatre sales team.

The Lighthouse Theatre - Small section of Pre-Show lounge
Back to today however, once Jordan showed us how well The Time Lapse turnt out we were all eager to try it out, I suggested we go and record the table tennis club during the 40 minute lunch break at school, we set up straight away, switched to time lapse mode, pressed record, and the rest is history. Below is what we produced:

Short and sweet but we believe that today we have put ourselves in a more advanced position when it comes to understanding what shots we want, the effect they will bring and how to complete them. We now know that The Time Lapse feature gives off a brilliant and professional looking effect but have to deal with the issue of timing for shot, this means we don't turn up on the day of recording clueless and come out with shabby, unprepared and poor results.

We have thought up an alternative type of 'Time Lapse', as this one speeds the shot up to much and the shot we our looking to get only lasts 20-30 minutes we are looking into normally recording a shot, and then speeding the footage up to a suitable pace and length. We feel this may give of a better and more useful effect for our final product rather than simply using the actual Time Lapse feature. This is something we have considered and we our looking to go ahead with when the time comes.

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