
Friday, December 23, 2011

Voiceover Research & Prototyping

Today I have spent some time looking at creating a Voiceover, I have got myself a Olympus VN 5500PC Digital Voice Recorder in order for our Voiceover to sound greater. I took to the Script in order to equip myself with the dialogue for the Voiceover. I pressed record and the rest was history, I then uploaded my recorded audio to my PC via the USB slot in the 5500PC.

 I wanted the recording to sound more manly and rogue, so I slotted my recording into Audacity, I then put the pitch of the audio to -13.00. I did this because this will make the Voiceover sound alot more fearsome and roguish, which is exactly what we our looking to achieve. I also added a preliminary soundtrack, I cut it down to suit the Voiceover, and there I had it, the finished prototype. I saved it in the format of WAV and uploaded it to SoundCloud, Below is what I came up with earlier this today:

Voiceover2 by JackWhiteAS

Now that I have completed The Voiceover Research/Prototyping, I feel that I have identified a number of different aspects of creating a Voiceover that separate it from a poor Voiceover, to a great Voiceover. First of all I have noticed that towards the end of the speech the voice goes quiet, this is through natural human error of letting the voice drop towards the end, we will have to identify that on the set of our next shoot and make sure this doesn't happen again. Secondly I noticed that changing the pitch to -13.00 gives that roguish and rough, manly feel that we are trying to achieve. This is good because it makes us more prepared and lets us be assured that we can achieve this. Now that we have established that, it is defiantly something we wish to replicate in the near future. Last of all is the addition of a Soundtrack, when listening to the speech I felt it sounded slightly out of place, it didn't give the feel of a horror. In order to change that I decided to add a preliminary Soundtrack which I downloaded from Youtube. I did this to test what type of Soundtrack gives what type of feel, after trying out various different Soundtracks I came to the conclusion on the one used above. I felt this was right because it helped build tension with the increasing beats and sound. This is the ideal effect because we feel it will really put the audience on edge.

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