
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Breaking The 4th Wall | Mise-en-scène | Costume Design

As the planning and research has progressed we have been discussing the different types of mise-en-scène that we will be looking to use in our production. We have considered the types of costume wear and outfits we wish for our actors to wear, we discussed this during the Main Task Brainstorm. We devised a number of ideas that we feel would be suitable in helping us with a number of things. We feel with the types of costume selection we have chosen that we will have a better chance of striking fear into the audience this is explained below, along with pictures of our costume choice, this amongst other bits of mise-en-scène we plan to use:

First of all, the costume selection for the Main Character. 
When selecting this costume we took into consideration a number of different points, we wanted our Main Character, who's role can be found by CLICKING HERE to come across as someone of importance. We wanted them to send fear into the audience, but most importantly make the audience sit up and pay attention to what the character has to say. Knowing this we decided that a suit and tie, accompanied by smart black shoes. We believe this would be the best option as is symbolizes importance to the audience. We wanted a serious look for this role so instead of picking any old colour suit, for example a white one, we decided to go for a simple black and white look which is used for more serious and formal events. We feel that the selection of this outfit will give a huge effect to the final feel of the production.

Next up is the outfit selection for The Secondary Character.

We took great care and went into great detail in the selection of costume for this role. Although we will only be shooting footage of this role for a matter of seconds, we feel it is one of the most vital components to the success of the entire opening. We have decided to invest in a few pieces of clothing and accessories to match, we discussed what would suit this role best and consider the different factors, the main factor being the Illuminati twist of our opening. Taking into account this factor we decided that we wanted to go for something different with the clothing, something a bit strange, we decided to go for a Rugged Hooded Monk Robe effect, we feel this will keep the audience guessing and questioning. When picking this costume we just knew it was the right choice as it sways away from the black robed convention within horror but keeps the mystery.

To go with this we wanted to try something that has been used in big-hit horrors in the past such as Scary Movie, we wanted to try and interlink aspects of other horror films. Our choice being V for Vendetta, we wanted to use the famous mask from this hit film as we feel it's something the audience can relate to as being scary and spelling out fear.

We feel the use of these props has really put us into a better position to perform and be sure that our production will not look poor. We feel the addition of the mask will cancel out any real acting having to be done by the performer which will mean that we won't risk getting poor footage. All in all we our happy with the purchases that we have made and now we must look into furthering our planning and research into this task.

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