
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Main Task Brainstorm

Today me and my co-workers spent over an hour of our own time brainstorming ideas. We went and found a free classroom in which we could use a whiteboard and we set to work. We set 3 different branches of what we wished to brainstorm ideas; Location, Visual and Audio. We then went onto give branches coming off each initial branch with ideas springing of them.

What we were looking for -
Audio: When thinking about audio for our opening titles and scene we had to try and remember not to plan to far ahead. This is because if we find a track that we really like we may start to try and fit the scene around the track, when it should be the other way round. However we did start to brainstorm some basic thoughts and we wish to remain undecided on this until the future. We came up with a few thoughts of using a certain Barrack Obama speech where he touches on a New World Order within our opening titles if it links in productively, we feel this would set the scene and give our opening a professional look. Our inspiration for this was the opening titles of Dawn of the Dead where they include press interviews of important figures touching on important subjects. We also wish to vary the volume of all our sounds and any OST we wish to vary in sound and go from loud to quiet to continuously put shock through the audience and keep them on edge and jumping at the loud sudden sounds, Jordan mentioned on creating our own OST using Garage Band on the iMacs available within the schools very own Mac Suite, he also said that we should link up the music keyboards to the iMacs and productively create our own soundtrack, these our all brainstormed below and all up for selection when we finally get round to selecting what options we wish to include within our audio for the main teen horror film task.

Visual: As for visuals we focussed more on the type and vairety of effects we wish to include within our opening titles. We thought about including a brick wall and then suddenly a section of the bricks start to break and smash out the wall leaving the gaps where the bricks formerly lay spelling out 'Breaking The 4 Wall'. However upon further thought we have decided this maybe a little to difficult to replicate and have pushed it down the pecking order of ideas but we will try our very best when the time comes to give it ago and hopefully make it work, Pav mentioned using a piece of software called Fireworks to try and create this idea so we will definately have to keep that in mind when it comes to it. Another idea our group came up with was to include Illuminati shadows, what we mean by this is cutting The Illuminati Symbol out of the paper, getting the room dark and shining a tourch onto the paper to get the shadow of the symbol on the wall, we feel this will improve desired effect and create a spooky and devilish atmosphere within the audience.

Location: In terms of location the discussion were slightly briefer, going with what we plan to do from the pitch we know that we have to address the issue of a 'west end theatre' & 'views of audiences queing up for the antcipated show'. I came up with the idea of using the local theatre in Kettering called The Lighthouse Theatre, if permitted to do so we could que crowds gathering and queing for a well watched show at this theatre and also get any footage of the theatre needed, but we need to keep in mind that we will need permission from the theatre autorities to do so. Another idea we manage to come up with was using the drama stage in school, the drama stage gives us good access to a stage with a big red curtain, this could be used as back up if our plans for The Lighthouse Theatres fall through, we feel having a back up plan is good because it means we have less chance of coming unstuck later on in the production process.

This is what we came up with:
I have also attached a couple of further images of myself and my group during the brainstorming session. (Below)
(Jack) Discussing ideas with the group in front of the brainstorm.

The group as a whole with the brainstorm behind.

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