
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

SE7EN - Opening Titles Analysis

In our lesson yesterday we were shown the opening title sequence of the hit film Se7en. We were instructed to write down every single title that was shown on screen and with that provide what time they were show. By writing the times we get an idea of the gaps that are used between titles and we can see if the slow down or speed up as the opening titles progress. We were also told to produce a written analysis on the time line of what we could hear when listening to the title sequence, I did this by turning on my computer screen whilst playing the opening titles and every time I heard a noise worth mentioning I turned my screen back on, went back and found that noise, wrote it down and included the time of the noise. A final task we were told to for fill within the main piece of work was to write down all the visuals shown, to do this I muted my computer and continued to play the opening titles over and over again until I had successfully filled my timeline up. I have taken a picture of this piece of work and provided it to you below.

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