
Friday, November 11, 2011

Lesson On Opening Titles

Lesson Information 

In today's lesson we looked at how the opening titles of a film can set the mood and how much of a huge influence they can have on the atmosphere and quality of a piece of media. Mr Henton showed us several different clips of Opening Titles from the OCR reccomended site 'Art of The Title'. One that really stood out for me was the clip below.


This clip really got me thinking about the use of opening titles, it made me consider effects, fonts, colours, placement, timing and also order of titles. It also gave me an advanced idea of what Opening Titles do and what they include.

My Knowledge of Opening Film Titles -

. The opening titles almost always include the following names -  Director, Main Stars, Producer and Cast.

. The actors named are usually shown in Order of Importance to establish clearer crucial information

. They can often also include the Production and Distribution Companies label/name.

. The opening titles can help give the view an idea of what genre the film is.

. They can provide information of what the movie may hold.

.  They are often used to get the audience enticed and film companies often spray names in different corners of the screen to keep the audience looking close and sucked in.

(Above) Screenshots of the opening crediets of the hit film 'The Shining'  - from this you can see that the placement of the titles is key and you can get a feel for the order of the titles.

How did it help?

Today's lesson has been beneficent to us hugely because it has taught us the importance of the Opening Titles and will make us think twice before randomly sticking in Opening Titles when it comes to our main task.

To view an in-depth analysis and watch all of the opening titles studied in today's lesson please click HERE!

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