
Friday, November 25, 2011


Now that we have completed our discussions and brainstorms and finished the script, our next plan was to conduct the storyboard for us to use as a guide later on in the task and to give us a stronger idea of the way we will lay out our production and what the final production will appear like. In the abscece of Jordan, Myself, Pav and Josepeh took iniative and went and collected some A3 sized storyboard from the Media Suite and began to storyboard, as Jordan contributed alot towards the script yesterday, we had no qualms or disappointment in completing this without him whilst he is unable to attend school due to illness.

Me hard at working constructing the Storyboard for our teen horror film Breaking The 4th Wall.

We went to a classroom in the English block and logged onto the computer, loaded up my blog and got the script viewable for us to read from our seats on the interactive whiteboard. From this we could see what we needed to include everything that the script listed, this included audio and sounds, camera angles and movements and label each shot 1, 2 ,3 etc accordingly. Me and Joseph took responsibility for the illustrations whilst Pav took responsibility for the writing of Type of Shot, Movement, Location and Sound etc, and was in control of the computer.

Below is what we came up with:

1st Page of the Storyboard - Includes 6 first shots with location, camera movement, sound etc.

2nd Page of the Storyboard - Includes the 7th to 12th shot with location, camera movement, sound etc.

The final 3 storyboard sections including with location, camera movement, sound etc.
Now that we have completed the Storyboard we are ready to move onto location planning, from constructing our storyboard I feel we all benefited massively as we now have an even more in depth idea of how our film will look and can asses for any floors or errors that may play against the effect we wish to have with this piece of media. We will have a third group discussion over the course of the next 7 days and see where we wish to go from here. This will allow all of our group to stay informed and communicated which will be vital in the success of this project.


  1. Your blog shows excellent evidence of the research and planning process Jack. You are meeting the criteria required for a level 4 mark as there is excellent care in the presentatioon of your work and excellent use of digital technology.

    Well done.

  2. You continue to make excellent progress as a group. There is excellent evidence of scripting and storyboarding. In order to take this a step further you could try to produce an animatic of your storyboard. I will post an example of this on my blog so you can see what I mean...
