
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Media Lesson Content | Update In Schedule | Deadlines.

In today's lesson we were asked by Mr Henton to make our way to the Media Classroom rather than the Media Mac Suite. When we arrived we were asked to be sat and silent, he wanted to talk to us about a number of things including Media Success, Blog Management, To-Do-List and Deadlines.

Media Success and Blog Management - The reason I have included these two parts of the discussion into one section of this post is because they are very strongly linked together. The key to success at this stage in Media Studies is maintaining the management of your blog is kept at a high standard, this includes keeping all posts analytical rather than just descriptive, this means the user should explain and anaylise rather than just describing and giving an overview on proceedings. Another thing that will help good Blog Management is good time keeping, this basically means not just leaving everything to the last minute and doing a number of blog posts in one night, it means updating your blog as and when things happen. We have also been told that over the 3 month period we should be updating our blog of research and planning etc every other day, this means the amount of posts we should have on our blog should be 45.

We should also make sure our blog contains mass amounts of presentation and should look loved by the user, this means making sure all colours go easy on the eye and it is laid out correctly and in an orderly fashion. But to obtain the high marks we need to make sure we include research into similar products and explore the potential target audience in order to get a greater look as to what needs to be included in our product to make it suit the audience and work better all round.

Deadlines -

To-Do-List -

Below is a list of things that we have to do before our deadline of January 4th 2012 - This is all of the research and planning that needs to be completed before we can start to film footage for editing.
  • Script - The script should include a number of different aspects that we wish to include in our media project. A script doesn't just include dialogue, this is merely a misconception that alot of people seem to believe. We must include aspects such as visual, dialogue, audio, soundtracks, amongst other things. To ensure that we can produce the best script possible we will be hosting another discussion session in which we can brainstorm ideas for the script and finalise any thoughts and make decisive choices that will allow the go ahead of the script writing.
  • Storyboard -  This piece of work should be completed on the A3 storyboard sheet that we previously completed storyboarding for our preliminary tasking upon. These can be obtained from Mr Henton himself, Reprographics or the Media Suites and should be used sensibly and responsibly by the groups. We need to include photographic, audio or visual recordings as evidence of us carrying out this task and show research put into conducting this along the way and provide this all on our personal blogs. The storyboard it's self should include a number of different aspects in filming, things such as camera shots, angle and movement of the camera, along with sound and location of each shot. 
  • Location Planning - This should be completed preferably with pictures of the chosen locations and should match up to the locations planned to be used in the script. We have chosen to include video evidence of our locations as it will help us get a more realistic effect and help us visual better as to what our final product will appear like. We have also decided to get a number of secondary back up locations incase one location is unavailable or unsuitable nearer the time. Pictures and video footage shall be posted to our personal media blog, using embedding from Youtube on the video.
  • Casting -
  • Filming Schedule -
  • Risk Assessment -
  • Shot List -

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