
Monday, November 07, 2011

60 Second Pitch

oziegbe white 60 sec by kbamediastudies

Today everyone in the class was allocated a specific time slot in which they had to make sure they attended Mr Henton's classroom and produce our 60 second pitch we we have spent the last few days and media lessons constructing. We would have to talk about our film and say our pitch on camera to help give this a more realistic effect and provide us with some well needed evidence. Above is what we come up with, we feel that we have the makings for a good movie but are aware that some further tweaks and changes will need to be change if we are to give the right type of feel to the film in every aspect.

From constructing and conducting our 60 second pitch I feel we now have a clearer idea ourselves of what we really are looking to get out of the media project, we feel we have learnt more about our ideas and discovered how to truly bring our ideas across and explore them thoroughly. For that reason will feel that this task was extremely beneficial as it gave it a sense of direction in where to go from here in media studies and has set us up well to go and see what tweaks are required to make the audience happy. And who better to ask than the target audience themselves.

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