
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Location Planning Discussion.

In our non contact session today, Me and the rest of the group decided it would be a good time to try and crack on with our Location Planning process now that our Storyboarding is successfully finished. As always, we decided to go to our usual location for discussion and carry this brainstorm out in a similar fashion that has served us well in recent weeks.

We used the script we created just recently to help assist us in our location planning, Joseph got this script up on his phone and then I took charge and stood at the board prepared to plan. We worked this planning logically, Joseph would tell me the shot, then we would discuss what location ideas we could use and listed them on the board and labelled the shot #1, #2, #3 etc. This helped us get a better idea of what location each shot would need instead of just talking about general locations. We did this for every shot and then we went back, and nominated several locations that would suit best, since then we have been doing some research into the accessibility of the ideas we wish to use. One location that we found we would need alot would be The Lighthouse Theatre which is a local theatre, so in aid of this I immediately contacted the manager of the theatre regarding this, this email can be found below.

Click the image to view it in large view.

I believe that this discussion has helped us decide what locations to use but more importantly gave us a clearer idea of the sort of setting our shots will have and we now feel that we have an even clearer idea of what our final product might turn out to look like, we must now look into securing these locations and making sure we can get use of them, once we have done so we will provide pictures of all the locations we have decided to use.

Below I have provided some pictures that Joseph and co took during the discussion -

Joe writing notes for future use.

Full brainstorm - Short one, just for confirmation

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