
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Preliminary Task Video.

Below is our Final Product, filmed, edited and uploaded of our Preliminary Task!
(I set up my very own Daily Motion account in order to present my media work and other task work for media studies on my Blog and make it viewable in school as Youtube isn't.)

jack finish prelim by jackwhiteas

From completing our preliminary task I feel I have improved remarkably in terms of ability in different aspects across the board in media. First off camera shots and angles, my knowledge of which has come on so much since the start of media studies, I now know different shots and how and when to use them in filming, shots such as extreme close ups and panning shots. I have also learnt why these shots are used and the effects that have on the viewers. My ability to edit has also improved massively, at the beginning of the year my knowledge of how to use and function with the iMac was zero but now I have a clear understanding of how to go about editing and rendering different parts of footage a feel my ability to cut clips down and merge them together has come on remarkably, this can be shown in the video above. Mr Henton has also taught us the importance of planning and research when conducting a project such as this, we have done tasks such as storyboarding, scripting and similar product research all of which have helped us to come to this final project and I feel our experience in doing this will play a big part in the future success when it comes to creating our opening scene to the teen horror film.

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