
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Screenplay Decision Making

Today Myself, Jordan, Joe and Pav took it upon ourselves to go and do another group discussion. As we have been left free to crack on with the tasks set we knew that to do so we needed to discuss and decide how we plan to set out the opening titles and scene, we went to the room previously used to try and discuss and illustrate these ideas and that we did. We decided to include new aspects into our movie project including big camera flashes between titles and camera flash noises that are overly exaggerated and prolonged to unsettle the audience. We also want to include different cut shots to cause a sense of unknown amongst the viewers, this amongst other things that we will include in our script that will be provided in the post above.

We thought this was beneficent hugely to the group, as we could take our ideas from the previous meeting of the group and adapt and improve them, but more importantly make important decisions on which shots, props, locations and even actors we are to use. We have all the ideas we need in place and we are working hard to maintain the high quality of work we have set the standard for so far. We have discussed our thoughts with a number of highly experienced figures in this subject within the school and they are looking forward to being involved with the acting of the opening and are excited to see what we can produce.

Below is a few snapshots of us in action at our latest meeting - 22/11/2011.

Jack (Me) & Pav discuss ideas and share thoughts

Jack (Me) & Pav at the end of our group discussion.

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